Markets Founder Acknowledges Company’s Challenges, Calls for Change\n\ founder Richard Liu has responded to an employee’s post highlighting problems with the e-commerce giant’s platform. In an internal staff forum, Liu acknowledged the company’s inefficiency and vowed to instill change. He stated that the current organization is huge, bloated, and inefficient and urged staff to join him in changing the company together.\n\nThis comes in the midst of intensifying competition in the Chinese e-commerce market. Lower-priced rivals such as Pinduoduo and Douyin are gaining traction, causing’s share price to decline by 50% this year. Meanwhile, Alibaba, the largest player in the market, has seen a 70% decrease in its share value since a regulatory crackdown initiated in late 2020.\n\nLiu’s response echoes a similar call to action made by Alibaba founder Jack Ma last month. In response to an employee’s post about rising competition, Ma also acknowledged the challenges faced by the company and called for change. Both companies are undergoing restructuring to stay competitive in the market.\n\nIn his comments, Liu apologized for typing while in a car and agreed with the employee’s assessment of the company’s pain points. He emphasized the need for change, stating that there is no way out for the company if they do not address these issues. This routine exchange between the founder and employees demonstrates the company’s confidence in addressing problems and overcoming challenges.\n\nA spokesperson for stated that the entire team is collaborating to address these issues. This highlights the company’s commitment to addressing problems and staying competitive in the market.\n\n’s founder has acknowledged the challenges faced by the company and has called for change.

“ Founder Acknowledges Company’s Challenges, Calls for Change\n\ founder Richard Liu has responded to an employee’s post highlighting problems with the e-commerce giant’s platform. In an internal staff forum, Liu acknowledged the company’s inefficiency and vowed to instill change. He stated that the current organization is huge, bloated, and inefficient and urged staff to join him in changing the company together.\n\nThis comes in the midst of intensifying competition in the Chinese e-commerce market. Lower-priced rivals such as Pinduoduo and Douyin are gaining traction, causing’s share price to decline by 50% this year. Meanwhile, Alibaba, the largest player in the market, has seen a 70% decrease in its share value since a regulatory crackdown initiated in late 2020.\n\nLiu’s response echoes a similar call to action made by Alibaba founder Jack Ma last month. In response to an employee’s post about rising competition, Ma also acknowledged the challenges faced by the company and called for change. Both companies are undergoing restructuring to stay competitive in the market.\n\nIn his comments, Liu apologized for typing while in a car and agreed with the employee’s assessment of the company’s pain points. He emphasized the need for change, stating that there is no way out for the company if they do not address these issues. This routine exchange between the founder and employees demonstrates the company’s confidence in addressing problems and overcoming challenges.\n\nA spokesperson for stated that the entire team is collaborating to address these issues. This highlights the company’s commitment to addressing problems and staying competitive in the market.\n\n’s founder has acknowledged the challenges faced by the company and has called for change.”$JD2023-12-14T13:35:51.130Z

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