Iberdrola and Total Energies remain committed to Norwegian offshore wind

Two weeks after the application deadline for pre-qualification for the fixed offshore project Sørlige Nordsjø II expired, Stockwaveinsights Norway has obtained access to a letter from the Skjoldblad consortium to the Ministry.
Skjoldblad consists of French heavyweight Total Energies, Spanish Iberdrola and Norsk Havvind.
In the letter, the trio describes how they have ”put extensive work into preparing for the competition for the areas at SNII” over the past two years.
In the letter, the companies do not elaborate on the reason for not submitting an application for prequalification. However, Thor Otto Lohne, chairman of the board of Norsk Havvind, told EnergiWatch Norway shortly after the application deadline that it was due to ”an assessment of the current market situation”.
Skjoldblad writes that they have prepared an application in accordance with the criteria in the tender.
”We have prepared a complete application document, including concept, project plan and plans for financing, sustainability and positive ripple effects (…). In this work, Skjoldblad has been in close dialogue with the Norwegian and international supplier industry, authorities, interest organizations and other stakeholders to develop a robust and competitive project.”
However, the send button was never pressed.
”Despite the work that has been done and our clear ambition to play a central role in Norwegian offshore wind, we now announce that we will not participate in the Sørlige Nordsjø II competition. This does not change our interest in the Utsira North tender. We would like to explain the background for this decision in more detail in a meeting with the Ministry.
It is also very important for us to emphasize Skjoldblad’s continued belief that offshore wind will be an important part of Norwegian industry and energy supply in the future. Our ambition to play a central role in this remains unchanged.”
The senders of the letter are Javier Garcia Perez of Iberdrola, representing the European offshore business unit, Stefan Kansy, Director of Offshore Business Development at Total Energies, and the aforementioned Thor Otto Lohne of Norsk Havvind.
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