Not even a Trump victory would ruin US onshore wind prospects, say analysts — EnergyWatch

After a number of tough years, there now appears to be a solid tailwind for the deployment of new onshore wind capacity in the US, and the optimism cannot even be destroyed by a potential victory for anti-green transition opponent Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, Recharge News reports.
”The expectation is that the share of renewable energy will double to 30% by 2030, and Energy Resources is ready,” says John Ketchum, CEO of parent company Nextera Energy.
Nextera Energy Resources is the leader in onshore wind power in the US with 24 gigawatts (GW) and expects to add another 8 gigawatts to that number within three years.
Many other developers, both North American and European, are also planning expansions in the coming years, with a total of 17 gigawatts of US projects in their pipelines.
And at S&P Global Commidity, analysts estimate that 11.2 gigawatts of new onshore capacity will be installed every year until 2030.
”This means that the US will likely have 230.8 gigawatts of total onshore wind capacity in operation by 2030,” says Andrew Berg, senior analyst at S&P.
Another consultant, Wood Mackenzie, is even more optimistic with an expected 13.2 gigawatts of new installations each year.
(Translated using DeepL with additional editing by Catherine Brett)
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