
Robert Cahn Award Nomination Deadline 1 March 2024

Robert Cahn Award

The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding scientist who has:

  • a high scientific profile in the field of nuclear materials
  • the ability to communicate science to a broad audience
  • demonstrated interest in breaking down barriers between different scientific disciplines


The winner of the 2024 award will be invited to give a Plenary lecture at the next NuMat Conference in Singapore, 14–17 October 2024.


The nomination should contain the name of your nominee, his/her CV, and a summary of his/her scientific merit and research impact. The award is open to anyone in the field, although unfortunately self-nominations cannot be accepted.


Please send nominations to the Publisher of the journal, Rachel Garland (r.garland@elsevier.com).


The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2024 at midnight BST, and notification of the award winner will appear on the websites of both the journal, Journal of Nuclear Materials and the conference, NuMat 2024. The award will be presented at the NuMat 2024 Conference, Singapore, 14–17 October 2024.


Deadline for nominations: 1 March 2024 at midnight BST


Robert Cahn Award Nomination Deadline 1 March 2024

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